The Farm

Oct. 25, 2002 ~ Strangers among us

This morning I fed the porch cats, and happened to glance outside a few minutes later. There sat Gizmo and Barney, Mouse and Not Squeak, Star and... that little one. Who was that? It's a dark, dreary, misty day, and it was hard to identify the kitty. A closer look revealed black fur and a tiny frame. A new one! Or one I hadn't seen before. She sat right next to Gizmo at the bowl, chowing down with gusto. How frail she looks. How long has it been since she's eaten? And why am I calling her a "she," anyway? Well, it's got to be one or the other, and I can't get close enough to tell, so I randomly picked a gender. Sorry, kitty, if I'm mistaken. She's not full grown, I don't think. Maybe six months old? Old enough to produce kittens, if she truly is a lady cat. How did she get here? Have the cats been at the computer again, posting messages on the Internet? They seem to be telling all their friends about our home for wayward cats. We'd best be sure to keep the food bowls filled and fresh water in the tubs.

And now I should go tend to the ponies.

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