The Farm

Oct. 18, 2002 ~ There's this lump in my throat,

because Soldier Boy just called, a quick little call from Base, to ask our new address. We haven't moved, but the post office/County gave us all street addresses, instead of the rural route addresses we had. It makes it easier for emergency personnel to find us. A fine idea. So Son didn't remember the new address, and called to ask, because they have to fill out an updated next of kin list. In preparation for going to THAT place next month. Well. He was in a rush, could only talk for a moment, and said he would call back tonight. Guess they were in the midst of filling out the forms. Ick. I don't want to think about it another second.

On that cheery note, the Stealth bomber should be passing overhead any minute now. There's an airshow here, and we're not too far from the little airport. We can see most of the action from here. Husband and College Boy are both working; wish they could see this. There are all kinds of interesting planes, some of them doing acrobatics and stunts and such. They put on a good show.

The cows are in the hay meadow, and every last one of them will have blackened hooves tonight. Inquisitive beasts that they are, they headed straight for the burned area this morning. No matter. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, which should help wash some of the black stuff away. Hope so, because I hate looking at it. It's just ugly and stark and dismal. It will probably be next spring before the grass returns. Something to look forward to.

Has it been a month already, or is that heifer just in a permanent state of craziness? She desperately wants to be with the bull, and this morning she looked about ready to go through the fence, AGAIN, so I quickly rearranged animals (Musical Cows!) and put her in Sugar's pen, put Sugar and Dakotah in the back pasture, put the cows in the hay meadow, and put Bucky in his stall. Whew! So far, so good. Miss Frisky is still mooing up a storm, but if we can just get through the next 24 hours, things should settle down soon.

This has been a sad week. A friend's grandson died of SIDS. What a rotten thing to happen. I don't even know what to say.

Surely things will get better.

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