The Farm

Oct. 03, 2002 ~ Water, water everywhere

Last night there was a water leak nearby, forcing the co-op to turn the water off for several hours while they did repairs. Not fun, but hey. But when they turned the water back on, there sure was a lot of air in the lines. I turned several faucets on at once, hoping to ease the pressure. We're talking loud, booming, banging sounds, along with explosive bursts of water and air.

This morning, bright and early, we saw that there was a leak in a pipe down by the road in front of our house. Oh, joy. My guess is that the pressure blew the connection right there. The co-op guys are working on it now. And boy, did they dig up a BIG chunk of road, which, by the way, is nowhere near the pipe. I mean, they are digging in the wrong direction. Ahem. They haven't turned the water off yet, which means they must still be digging. With a backhoe. I ordinarily think backhoes are cute, but not when they're tearing up the road. I know about what the road will be like when they "fix" it. Oh, well. Could be worse.


My hair is still short. It did not grow a whole lot during the night.


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