The Farm

Sept. 29, 2002 ~ That goofy heifer

tore through the fence (which had recently been spiffed up and fortified, after the last time she tore it up) and came about a minute away from getting romantic with the bull. She's way too young for that, and had she done so, would have had to have a nasty shot to ensure that she didn't get pregnant. Husband was NOT happy with her, not at all. He had other ideas for the day, and definitely hadn't planned on spending hours repairing the fence.

The heifer is now in solitary confinement, in Sugar's pen, and Sugar has to sleep in the pen with Dakotah and Bucky, which she doesn't like, because they boss her around so much. Is that the worst possible sentence, or what? Miss Horny Heifer broke through the gate in the pen, and at that point, Husband was using words I hadn't heard in quite awhile! And he threatened to take her to the auction. He threatened to do that last month, too. Well, it's not really her fault, is it? She is just hormonally challenged, and she doesn't know any better. It's not like we can send her to a convent. But I don't know if we can put up with this for several more months. I'm sure she'll be a fine cow, and I doubt we'll have problems once she joins the main herd, but for now, it's a pain.

Hoppy Calf's leg healed up nicely. He no longer hops or limps and he is A-OK. Isn't it nice to have a happy ending?

Doofus Calf is still with us, too, though he seems to be at least partially blind. He can still get around, though. He just has a hard time if the herd wanders off while he is sleeping. He wakes up and panics. He usually just stands there and moos pitifully until one of the cows or calves comes to get him.

It's hot again. So much for that beautiful cool weather. But it will be cool again soon, and that will be exciting.

And Soldier Boy is coming home on Friday!

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