The Farm

Sept. 27, 2002 ~ Deer-o and ponies

Quiet day, this one. I just went out to the barn to check on a sewing machine, of all things. An article in today's paper mentioned that certain portable Singer machines are worth $400 and up. The barn visit was to see if the machine was still there. And it is. But it's in a BARN, so it has probably not held up well, considering that it's exposed to the elements, cats, and numerous other critters. Nevertheless, I will ask Husband to bring it inside tonight, and I will have a better look at it. Can't hurt... it's not doing any good out there.

As I stood at the gate, I saw one lone deer-o in the back pasture, just at the edge of the woods. A yearling, by the looks of her. She raised her head and gave me the once-over, then returned to her grazing. How do they know I won't hurt them? They often do that... look up at me and then totally ignore me. I think I'm honored that they trust me.

Our deer-o probably had friends or family there in the woods, but I couldn't see them in the shadows.

Not much to say today, so here are a couple of pictures. Bucky then... (this one always makes me laugh!)

And Bucky now...

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