The Farm

Sept. 02, 2002 ~ How are you spending

your Labor Day? For some of you it's not a holiday, but for many of us it's an excuse to barbecue, party, visit with friends... good stuff. But it's just another working day for Husband. Not paid work, but farm work. He's bush-hogging again. I watch him through the window. What a good job he's doing! And what a hard worker! And no matter what, he never gets caught up. Isn't that a universal dilemma, though? I keep forgetting to remind him about the broken fence post. Maybe he's already fixed it, who knows. Think I'll write him a note when I finish this entry, so I won't have to rely on my memory. Better yet... okay, it's done.

Do you have a special "note place" in your home? We do, the dining room table. We leave each other notes at the person's place at the table, usually with a pen over the piece of paper. That signifies "Read me!" as opposed to "miscellaneous junk or random bits of paper."

VERY Important Message -- Happy Birthday, Sue! Have a great day and a wonderful year!

Cat news -- Since Misha can no longer take pills, he seems to be feeling much, much better. So perhaps many of his symptoms were side effects of his medications. He doesn't walk slowly anymore; he doesn't ease himself, inch by inch, down to the ground and then collapse on his side. He walks, sleeps, and runs, more like his usual self. He's eating better, and may start taking small doses of insulin again. He still hates to be brushed, and he cries or tries to bite if I use even the softest brush, so I've resorted to quick snips of the matted fur. He hates that, too. He looks patchy and not at his handsome best, but I think that's going to have to be okay. The mats are bound to hurt his skin, which is why I try to cut them out, but he just hates to be messed with at all. So I'm taking my cues from him, mostly.

Pepper may be feeling a little better -- he doesn't meow quite so pitifully. Still not eating much. Poor boy.

It's hot here, really hot, but I haven't been outside in days. I told Husband that I'd like to try to go for a short walk tonight, at least give it a try. He's skeptical, but I think it might help.

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