The Farm

Feb. 15, 2002 ~ Cats

This morning I awoke to the usual purring in my ear, the nuzzling against my face, and no, it wasn't my husband. Misha is feeling much better, thank you. He has resumed his usual duties, and first on his list is the task of waking me up every day. He doesn't know about clocks, so around here, we wake up at 5:30 every single day, holidays and weekends included.

These good days and bad days of Misha's... The good days are wonderful. But the bad days are so bad that I worry that I'm being selfish, keeping him with us. Will I know when it's the right time to let him go? This makes about the third really bad spell he's had since he got so sick, and each time, I've seriously considered "putting him down." But then a couple of days later he seems to feel so much better. And I know it would have been a mistake to put him to sleep, when he had so many good days still ahead of him. So it's a dilemma.


This morning, Husband wanted me to GET UP right away, to look at the cat on the back porch. The kitty was a scaredy cat, though, and had already run away by the time I got there. This one, he said, looks a lot like Pepper. TWO new cats in one week? Did I miss the memo? (Free food at the house on the hill! Lots and lots of food!) Word has obviously gotten out, or our cats are telling their friends, or maybe it's just a coincidence, but it looks like our cat population is growing by leaps and bounds!

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