The Farm

Feb. 14, 2002 ~ Misha

has taken a turn for the worse. We had a very rough night; Misha and I didn't get much rest. Poor boy... at first I thought he'd had a hypoglycemic episode, a problem that can occur with diabetes. But that diagnosis didn't fit quite right. So now I think he either had a small stroke, or else it was just a major worsening of his illness. He couldn't stand, wouldn't eat or drink, just felt awful. He looked at me with such sorrow in his eyes... or was that... pain?

Susan is out of town, won't be back for several more days. sigh...

Today the boy is feeling better, though. I half-expected to have to dig a small grave when I came home this afternoon, so imagine my surprise when I opened the door to find Misha standing there, looking almost like his old self. A sick version of his old self, to be sure, but a huge improvement over last night.

My hope is that he stays comfortable, that he can enjoy however much time he has left.

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