The Farm

Feb. 02, 2002 ~ Catching up

Son is healing, and seems to be ready to start driving again. Good thing, too, as I'm ready to retire from my position as his driver. There is a slight problem with pain and numbness in my legs and elsewhere, and it seems to be made much worse if I sit for any length of time. Driving any distance (longer than 30 minutes) usually causes an increase in symptoms, and this week has been no exception. This is the worst it has ever been; a couple of times I woke myself up, moaning in my sleep.

The insurance company is piddling around, dragging their feet. The truck is still at the body shop, while we wait for the adjuster to decide if it can be repaired or will be a total loss. It's close to being totalled. I just wish they would decide, one way or the other, so we can get on with things. We're going to let Son drive the backup car, the oldest one, that Husband has been driving back and forth to work. He assures me that it's safe -- it just doesn't have many miles left in it. It's got some age on it, and we know it can't last much longer. But hopefully it will be fine for a couple of weeks, while they fix the truck or do whatever it is they're going to do.

I've learned something rather unpleasant from this. I will not be going back to school. Period. End of discussion. Son's school is the closest college, and I absolutely can't handle driving that distance. Good thing I found out now, before we wasted the money on tuition. But it's a little sad, too. A door has closed. Unless they build a college nearby, my school days are in the past. Such is life.

Bucky boy is not doing well. He may have foundered after all. His hoof has abcessed, which is not a good thing. We finally got the vet bill paid today... I've been told that this is a dangerous thing to do -- it's almost like asking for trouble!

Husband and I have been working extra hours whenever possible, and today we managed to write checks paying off the bills for when he hurt his foot. Now we sit back and wait for the next batch of medical bills to come in. Some people have already started sending their bills, directly to the house! I hear this is common in car accidents, that we are supposed to forward the bills to the insurer or attorney or whoever. In this case, though, I'll call the hospital, doctors, etc., and ask them to mail the bills to our medical insurance company. I want them to do that quickly, too. With my husband's company getting ready to change hands, I can't help but worry that there might be glitches in such things as insurance payments. Assuming that Husband gets hired by the new company... a big assumption. But we're going with that theory, because we don't know how to believe otherwise.

Soldier Boy called last night and is STILL HERE. Whew! He is on alert until February 9th. I'll be holding my breath till then (I should be getting pretty blue in the face), hoping that he doesn't have to go overseas. I don't even want to say the name of the place anymore. I'm tired of worrying about it. Maybe if I don't think about it... it will just go away.

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