The Farm

Jun. 09, 2007 ~ Renewal

After several years of drought, we're having a "normal," or what used to be normal, year. East Texas is normally green and lush with lots of pine trees and beautiful rolling hills. Rains have come, often, and we haven't even watered our yard yet. Not once. The hay meadow looks like we could actually cut hay again, if we wanted to. I look out the windows and it's just so GREEN. I love it! Our plentiful rain means that elsewhere in the country, other people are suffering drought, because somehow the weather patterns just seem to work that way. It's never pleasant everywhere, not all at the same time. I'm sorry for those without water, but we are so very appreciative of our beautiful countryside.

One thing I've realized is that I still love getting my hands dirty. Even though it hurts to use my hands for much of anything, I still enjoy pulling weeds and trimming bushes and doing little things like that. I pay for it afterwards, but sometimes it's just worth it.

It's been a busy month. Daughter-in-law and granddaughter came for a two-week visit. We were in heaven! Such fun, having them both around. College Boy was able to come for a week, and Husband and I both took vacation time. Son may get to come home from Afghanistan for a visit next month, then he will return and not be able to leave again until March.

College Boy was here yesterday, just a quick visit to celebrate our anniversary and his upcoming birthday. We had Mexican food at our favorite restaurant... so good. I had leftovers for breakfast.

While College Boy and the girls were here last month, we lost a cow and calf. One morning we found her dead in the back pasture. Turned out she'd been in labor and something had gone wrong. So we lost them both. But two healthy calves were born that week, which is good. Doesn't make up for losing the others, but it's nice to see the babies out in the pasture, running around, having fun.

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