The Farm

Apr. 01, 2007 ~ Mystery solved

The person who put me on the sheriff's list of who to call was, apparently, me. Not on purpose, of course. A recent incident made me realize what probably happened. At work it has been my unpleasant duty to have to call both the sheriff and police on more than one occasion. "Unfortunate" because one hates to think of that being necessary at a church. But churches attract all kinds (particularly on weekdays), including a fair number of the mentally unwell, drug addicts, and drunks. Sometimes reinforcements are needed to get these people to leave. Such was the case last week. And of course I had to give the officer my name. So, mystery solved.

The unpleasant result of two nights of little sleep is a full-blown fibromyalgia flare, with pain just about everywhere. Which makes it hard to sleep. Which brings on more pain. Which... makes it hard to sleep. And so it goes, round and round.

Most of the time I try to remember how much I have left, all the many things I can still do, and not dwell on what I can't do. But today I felt a moment of regret, of nostalgia, when spring fever hit. One thing I do miss, really miss, is being able to work in the yard, and tending flowers and a vegetable garden. Maybe we will try a few container plants again, on the porches.

Son is not doing so well in Afghanistan. So many things are going wrong, constantly, and he can get no help, no response at all, from his employer back in the states. I keep him in my prayers.

Today begins one of my two busiest weeks of the year. Holy Week and the week leading up to Christmas are very busy times where I work. So this FMS flare comes at a bad time, but there probably isn't a good time to have one. It will pass.

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