The Farm

Jun. 13, 2005 ~ Vaya con Dios


June 1, 1993 - June 10, 2005

Whenever I left the house, I would tell the cats, or cat, to remember what to do if a burglar came. My instructions were simple...

"Hide under the bed until the bad guys leave."

Now, for the first time in about 24 years, there is no feline presence in our house. When I leave in the morning, there's no need to remind anyone about burglars. When I come home from work, the house is empty. We have plenty of animals, but they are all outside. We do not think we will have another housecat. Husband thinks they make his allergies worse, and Mrs. Soldier Boy is definitely allergic to cats.

I am relieved that Pepper is out of pain but of course we miss him so much. It feels strange to come home for lunch and not hear a welcoming meow. Sometimes I think I see him out of the corner of my eye, but that's just wishful thinking.

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