The Farm

Apr. 09, 2005 ~ It didn't take long

to become an annoying, obnoxious grandparent! People at church will politely ask, "How's the new grandbaby?" And I catch myself responding, "Great! Would you like to see a picture?" As if she could have possibly changed since the LAST picture they saw, the day before. The victim... er, MEMBER then says the only thing they possibly CAN say, which is, "Why, yes, of course!" while secretly thinking, "Gack! How can I make my escape?" Okay, so maybe it's not quite that bad, but it's close. It is really hard to contain my enthusiasm, though.

We talked to the Little Princess today! We did! Okay, we were actually talking to Soldier Boy, and we heard this interesting squeal in the background. When Son said that it was indeed the precious little one, we asked if he could move closer to her so we could hear her voice. He obliged, and we were treated to all sorts of grunts, squeals and squeaks. She had just had a bath and was rather excited. Son has a webcam and we're going to try to see the little one in action tomorrow. We can hardly wait!

For reasons which are not entirely clear, our cat has taken a sudden liking to roses. Cut roses, in vases. We usually buy a dozen every week at the grocery store, then divide them up among several vases and place them throughout the house. There will be some on the dining room table, some in the main bathroom, and one or two in a bud vase in our bedroom. A few nights ago Pepper knocked over the vase in the bedroom, spilling water in drawers, on important papers, etc. It was an unwelcome surprise at 2:00 a.m. Since then, I've found him in the bathroom on more than one occasion, rubbing against the roses on the counter, or just sitting there sniffing them. Maybe we need to float a blossom in a bowl on the floor next to his food dish. If we do that, maybe he will leave OUR flowers alone.

Soldier Boy's unit was deployed last week to Afghanistan, where they will spend the next year. Initiailly, the higher-ups tried very hard to send him along, even though he is due to get out of the Army at the end of next month. He has enough leave time built up that he will actually get to leave his post in less than two weeks. Imagine what it would have been like if things had been different. He would have been sent overseas just days before his first child was born, and would have missed the first year of her life. He also would have been forced to stay in the service 11 months longer than necessary.

Little Meadow dog is racing around the back yard, happy as can be, playing in the sunshine, rolling in the grass. It's nice to see such pure joy!

Speaking of pure joy and silly critters, this little guy will be ten years old next month.

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