The Farm

Aug. 19, 2004 ~ Keeping the bad guys out

Our friend who was recently in the motorcycle accident had this story to share. His elderly neighbor, "Margie," was a fearful type. She was very, very poor, and didn't have much in the way of worldly goods, but her front yard was fenced, and that fence had a gate which was always locked. Another neighbor, "Sally," used to stop by to visit with her sometimes. Sally would throw rocks up on the porch to get Margie's attention, or else the dogs would raise such a racket that she would come outside and open the gate, and the two would chat for awhile. Margie had a gentleman friend who would take her to get groceries and to church and such. So Saturday night, when Sally stopped by and nobody came to the door or to unlock the gate, she just assumed that Margie must have gone shopping.

A few days later, somebody else came by, and when Margie still didn't come outside, they called the sheriff, who broke the door down. They estimated that Margie had been dead for two to four days. They'll know more after the autopsy. My friend pointed out that Margie might have been alive when Sally stopped by on Saturday, alive but in trouble and needing medical attention. Sometimes, he said, in keeping the bad guys out, you keep the good guys out, too.

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