The Farm

Mar. 13, 2004 ~ Quiet Saturday

We woke to the sound of the ringing phone. It was our Soldier Boy, calling from faraway. The connection was awful; we both had to yell to be heard, repeat things over and over, but it was still his voice. The wonderful thing about a phone call is it's so "right now." You know that the person you are talking to is fine at that moment. We could not discuss details, and I really have no details, but the word is that his group will be coming home soon. But it isn't definite and we aren't to get our hopes up. As if! The funny thing is that he does not mind being there. He says he is doing his job. He seems disappointed that they might be leaving soon. Of course I can't wait for him to come home!

He asked about his dog, asked if she was getting fat. Um, maybe just a little. An extra pound or two. But she is a small dog, and even a little bit of extra weight is going to show. She is out in the woods now with Husband, helping him check the fences. I wonder is Son is really going to take the dog back? I'd kind of thought not, that it would be too impractical for him, but who knows.

We got a letter from Soldier Boy two days ago, our first since he's been in Iraq. So this has been an excellent week, in terms of welcome communication. College Boy is visiting Air Force Girl (Repeat after me... they are JUST friends.) at her post this weekend, then sometime next week he's coming home for a few days. Spring break and all that. Someone asked me yesterday if it felt strange, both of our boys being gone at once. Well, it might if we did not have their animals here with us... College Boy's cat and Soldier Boy's dog. And we talk to College Boy just about every day, having to do with cell phones and free nighttime minutes, you understand.

Goodness, did I just yawn? And on a Saturday afternoon? Please excuse me while I lie down for just a little while. A nap is in order. And having heard from our faraway boy, no doubt there will be

sweet dreams.

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