The Farm

Nov. 15, 2003 ~ Potpourri

First of all, I want to wish Becky a very Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day, Becky, and I hope you have a wonderful time!

Doug's recent entry made me smile. Doug, I will let you in on a little secret. Women have "The Book," in which all rules and explanations are written. Every woman on earth has a copy of this book, it's a given. Rule number one, page one, "Men must never, ever, under any circumstances, see The Book." So women all know what's going on, all the time, and of course you men must muddle through as best you can. Sorry about that. Oh, and the information in The Book changes constantly. We know the rules; you don't. Page 87, paragraph 2. Again, sorry. This means that the blue shirt which is perfectly acceptable to wear today, with Trousers A, B, or C, will be totally UNacceptable on any other day, because, obviously, the rules have changed. And we hide the ramen, too, so you will never be able to find it, no matter where you look. Don't bother trying to find The Book, either, because Husband has been searching for it since the day we married, and he hasn't had a bit of luck. I hope that cleared things up a bit? Happy to help. It's the least I could do.

There was a long, fairly boring story here, which I removed before realizing that Doug had commented on it in his current entry. Oops. The short version is that our poor waiter brought the wrong order twice before I finally got the chicken fajitas I'd ordered last night. By then I'd eaten so many tortilla chips that I wasn't all that hungry for actual food, but probably in an effort to make up for the inconvenience of having to wait so long, they brought a HUGE serving of fajitas. So I had some last night, some for breakfast today, and there were plenty left over for lunch. I don't even want to see another fajita for a long, long time.

On a serious note, College Boy came in about noon today, having spent the night at his friends' apartment, and said, "You'll never guess what I did last night. I put out a fire." Say what?

Seems that his friend had accidentally left a candle burning, and (Please don't try this at home!) had some oil-soaked potpourri in the dish surrounding the candle. The potpourri caught fire, which caught other nearby stuff on fire, which was not good at all. I believe he said flames went almost up to the ceiling. This was during the middle of the night. He happened to be awake because one guy was snoring loudly. Son got up to use the restroom, which is where the fire was! He managed to put it out, but not before the entire apartment filled with smoke and soot. He had trouble waking the others up, so he opened the doors to try to get rid of the smoke. Smoke alarm, you ask? They'd taken the batteries out. How often have I heard that on the news, when they talk about fire fatalities? Son finally woke the others, and all was well. Some had soot on them, he said, and there was lots of coughing, but eventually he managed to get about two hours sleep. Sheesh. He had been really irritated by the guy's snoring, but decided it had probably saved them all.

Talk about a blessing in disguise...

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