The Farm

Aug. 30, 2003 ~ Have you heard?

Have you heard about all the heat-related deaths in France this summer? It's almost hard to comprehend a natural disaster of this magnitude. Terribly sad. Over 11,000 known dead so far. 11,000 people gone from this earth, because of heat.

I have a friend who lives in the South of France. She wrote of what it's like to live there, in 100+ degree heat for two months, in a country where most homes, businesses and cars are not air-conditioned. Considering how I feel when our A/C breaks down for even a day, it's hard to imagine this kind of misery. And what does not make the news... all the animals who have died. They had to have their own beloved dog put to sleep, and many, many others have had to do the same. They worry now about their cats, who do not seem to be doing well. Fruits and vegetables have died in the fields, and prices for everything are sky-high. I was recently sad about having to feed our cows hay in August. In France, the farmers have no more hay for their cows, and are having to import it, no doubt at great expense. This will make their beef prices go through the roof.

It is difficult to sleep, it is miserable to work, to drive, to do anything.

And here I sit in air-conditioned comfort, complaining of the Texas heat when I step outside to feed the animals.

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