The Farm

Aug. 28, 2003 ~ Thursday

(I use the day of the week as the title when nothing else comes to mind. Not very creative, but hey.)

We had to feed the cows more hay yesterday. The only thing worse than having to feed hay in August is feeding hay in July. But we are confident it will rain again, sometime. There is a fairly good chance of rain this weekend, which would be soooooo nice.

We also got the cows these big yellow tubs full of protein supplement, which they normally love. But they aren't eating it. Wonder why? When the tubs are empty, we use them for big water buckets for the horses. I think each tub weighs about 300+ pounds when full. And you know what? They slide around in the back of a pickup truck, and tend to bend the metal when they hit against it. Oh, well. My idea of the perfect truck is one with a little wear and tear, a few dents and scratches on the outside, that runs good and is comfy on the inside. I hate driving brand new vehicles. I'd rather somebody else would drive them for a year or two, until the new wears off.

The tree guys made their last trip out here today, and chipped up and hauled off the rest of the tree debris. Husband was shocked. He never believed the co-op would have the trees cut down. Then he never believed they would have the mess cleaned up. And he was sure they would not be back for this last little bit. O, ye of little faith! I thought of the tree guys as "my guys." Kept telling Husband to give them a chance, not to rush things, that they said they would be back and I believed them. I have a number of friends who work at the co-op, so maybe that had something to do with my level of confidence! Anyway, this was the fourth time they were out here, and I'd actually gotten to the point where I could breathe and function and act like a fairly normal person, despite their presence. No wandering about aimlessly for me. Still, I'm glad they are done. No more listening to Husband's Eeyore imitation.

Husband picked up the car parts at the salvage yard today, though he had to pay $15 more than the price I was quoted. It's not supposed to work that way! Plus, the guy was going to pull the parts for me, for free, and Husband had to do the work himself. Ah, well. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the parts will do the trick, so College Boy's car will be back in working order again. If not, we're looking at spending a lot more money. He's out there working on it now.

We all keep yanking on the bathroom door, practically falling over when it shuts easily. Old habits die hard.

Oh! LT SMASH is home! He is safely back in the USA, after spending 8 months in Kuwait. I started reading his journal after Bonnie recommended it. There were times when long weeks passed with no letters from Soldier Boy, and I read LT's journal to have some sense of human connection to what was happening "over there." Not the same "over there" as my son's, but LT, (whose name, it appears, is Scott) was a young man serving our country, in the Middle East, and that was close enough for me.

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