The Farm

Aug. 07, 2003 ~ Home at last

The phone call came unexpectedly, early that morning as we were preparing to leave (to have medical testing done). Soldier Boy was heading home, and this time, he was coming HOME home. Our house. The farm. We knew he was coming soon, but we didn't know exactly when, and the tests had been scheduled weeks in advance. So we went on, had it all done, Husband drove me home and then it was bed rest for me for the next few days. Do you know how hard that was, staying still, knowing our boy was heading home? There were a million things I wanted to do, wanted to cook, fix, rearrange, etc., and I had to let all that go. One thing I'd really wanted was to have yellow ribbons lining our road, not just on our trees, but on the neighbors' trees, as well. Didn't happen. Rats. Maybe next time! Still, ours is a patriotic little town, and our town square has ribbons on every light pole and most of the businesses' doors or windows. So he did get the idea. We remember. We have not forgotten. Our front fence once had a ribbon on every post, but the cows ate them. The ribbons, not the posts. sigh... Always something, right?

When he arrived, I HAD to get up to hug him, and say hello to the friends who had driven him here. To do otherwise would be unthinkable! He is solid muscle, handsome, rugged, obvioulsy a grown-up. So why do I always revert into "lioness mode"? An overprotective mother, that's me. And I don't want to be, honestly. But there have been a couple of time when, much to my dismay, the worry-wart in me came out, full force. You moms of adult children know how very hard it can be to let go, sometimes. But that's what we need to do. I'm an equal opportunity worrier -- I do the same thing with College Boy!


We are having a good visit, but then, it doesn't take much to qualify as a "good visit," as far as I'm concerned. As long as I can hear him breathing in the next room at night, that's enough. He bought a truck while he was here! This is exciting. So he will drive himself home, on Monday, I think. That's the plan. Whenever he leaves, it will be too soon for me, but he has many things he needs to get done while on leave. Lots of chores, appointments, things that need tending to. Friends to visit, also. That's important. He hasn't seen some of them since he enlisted, so it's been awhile.

Speaking of chores and such, I'd best get busy myself.

Thanks for stopping by.

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