The Farm

Jun. 15, 2003 ~ Good news and bad news

Soldier Boy called today! For only the third time since he's been in Afghanistan, he was able to get through. The bad news is that we weren't here when he called. College Boy spoke to him, though, and said he's doing fine. That's good to hear.

Our washing machine got zapped in Friday's storm, but Husband, sweet genius that he is, was able to open up the machine, test a few circuits, and determine that it had blown a fuse. We took the fuse to the hardware store, found a new one, replaced it, and we're back in business! I had visions of spending the morning at the laundromat, or shopping for a new washer, or spending big bucks on repairs. Husband was also able to fix the light fixture that got damaged, and I replaced a phone cord, so we're in pretty good shape, I think.

College Boy's computer is gone now, probably on its way to Dallas, where they will attempt to revive it. The hard drive was fried, though. The good news is that it's under warranty, but still...

While all this was going on, Friday and Saturday, I was admittedly stressed out, but I was also aware that it could have been much worse. Our son could have been badly hurt, we could have been hurt, and the house could have caught fire. The things that were damaged were JUST things, and things can be replaced. People can't. So we are blessed.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there!

I had the weirdest conversations at church today. I was sitting there, waiting for Sunday School class to start, and folks were walking around the room visiting. A man came up and kind of patted me on the head a couple of times. A little odd, but... whatever. Then he asked, "Is that frosting?" I think my jaw dropped, and I wondered what he meant. "Are you saying that I need to color my hair?" I asked. "Looks like it to me. Getting pretty pale up there."


I have long, dark hair, and had been considering letting it go gray. I mentioned this to another friend there in Sunday School, and she said, "But don't you think dark hair looks kind of... witchy, when it's long and has just a little gray in it?"

Hmmmm. I hope it doesn't. I prefer to think of it as natural. I've even thought it looked pretty.

And on that cheery note, I think I'm going to go color my hair!

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