The Farm

Apr. 01, 2003 ~ Rabbits

Finally found a little rabbit (tiny, the color of sand) to send to Soldier Boy. Do you think he will die of embarrassment? Probably not. If I know Moms, there are probably lots of big, strong Soldier Boys getting Easter rabbits this year. I know of several moms who sent all kinds of Easter candy and silly stuff, but I'm afraid that would melt. We're just about past the candy phase, and now I'm sending weird stuff. Whatever calls my name, when I'm at the store. And oddly enough, even when it's weird, or especially when it's weird, it often turns out to be what he truly wanted and can't buy there, or something he had been needing for awhile. The bunny was located after I'd mailed two packages today, so I guess another package will go out tomorrow, if there's to be any chance at all of it getting there before Easter. There's a little rabbit for College Boy, too, and a third one... the backup rabbit, in case the desert rabbit has to stay in the desert. I think I'll put the backup bunny on the nightstand in the guest room, where it will wait until Soldier Boy comes home.

I am so tired. Haven't done much at all today, but did wake up at 4:00, so that's probably it. Even though I got about the same amount of sleep as always, I went to bed earlier and woke up earlier, so maybe my body is just rebelling.

It was strangely silent this morning, thanks to the raccoon or coyote or whatever got our last rooster. So we now have just three hens (who are scared and nervous and have stopped laying eggs), plus two ducks. I love outdoor birds... chickens, ducks and guineas, but when these go, we may call it quits. I say that every time! But really, it's so hard to fight the varmints.

Our neighbor's new cow has gotten out twice this week. Sure hope she's not a fence jumper. And sure hope she stays on her side of the road. Stray cows always seem to wind up in our garden. Which is not much of a garden at the moment. We had an unexpected freeze this weekend, and most of the plants bit the dust. So in a couple of weeks, we'll plant again.

I'm just going to go lie down now. Can't stay awake another minute.

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