The Farm

Mar. 24, 2003 ~ More raccoons

The world may be falling apart, but the raccoons just keep right on being their usual, stinky selves. Oh, I'd be the first to admit that they're cute. They've pretty much cornered the market on "cute." They're also destructive, and our biggest problem with them is their habit of killing chickens. We lost another hen last night... early this morning, actually. A noise woke me, and then a chicken made that really bad noise they make when their number's up. Husband got up and we went outside with the shotgun and flashlights, but it was too late for our little red hen. The other birds were terrified, and in fact I thought one of them was a goner, too, but she was just huddled up in a corner, trying to make herself invisible to the attacker. That must be so frightening for the birds. They're in a pen with no way out, and this beast digs in, walking among them till he chooses his victim. So far the stats are -- three less chickens and one less raccoon. Two birds gone this weekend alone. We fix the pen and they find another way to get in. We're going to have to lose a little sleep, I guess, and try to listen for the first sign of distress. Have to get rid of those coons, I'm sorry to say.

It's nearly noon and I have yet to check a news website. Guess I'd better.

Husband is home on vacation this week, and is putting in a garden. He wants me to go get some plants, and I'm trying to finish up a letter to Soldier Boy to put in with a care package. So as usual, I'm trying to do several things at once.

Until tomorrow...

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