The Farm

Dec. 01, 2002 ~ Coyotes

It's been an interesting weekend. This morning Amanda Jane gave birth to a bouncing baby bull. I stepped outside to check on it, only to see a coyote steadily approaching the calf. It was less than ten feet away from the baby. I yelled and screamed at it to "Git!" and it "got" (gitted?) eventually. Sure took its time, though. Didn't seem particularly afraid of me; more like annoyed. But I think it was really going for the afterbirth, not the calf. It came back twice this morning. The last time, Husband took aim, but missed. Lucky coyote. Unlucky cows. That same coyote has been hanging around, awfully close to the herd, for several days now. And us with three little babies.


The other day I was sitting at the kitchen table, paying bills, scratching my head, wondering how we were going to pull it off this month. You know the routine... robbing Peter to pay Paul. Just then the phone rang, and Husband was called in to work. On a holiday. Now, he was tired, and I hated for him to have to go in, but it couldn't be helped. And the twelve hours of overtime sure came in handy. It didn't solve all our money problems, far from it. But it helped, a little bit, and it's funny how it happened. Right when I was wondering, practically talking out loud... there was an answer.


No word from Soldier Boy. Not that I really expected it.


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