The Farm

Oct. 16, 2002 ~ This is what I learned yesterday --

when you are pumping gas, it's a VERY GOOD idea to stand there right next to the pump. I was one who would start pumping, set the thing to automatic, and then go clean my windows. The automatic shut-off always did... shut off, that is. But yesterday it didn't, and I wasn't even aware of it until someone told me. Sheesh! Gasoline everywhere. Probably just a couple of gallons, but it sure made a mess. I waited a few minutes before turning on the car and driving away... seems like the vapors are dangerous, and I didn't want to risk an explosion or fire. The gas station reimbursed me a few bucks for the wasted gas, and even paid for me to wash the car (to get the gasoline off), but it got on our shoes and on my son's jeans... Ick. Will that smell ever wear off? I washed his jeans three times and they still stink. Washed the bottoms of our shoes with soap and water, even soaked the soles in lemon juice, and they still stink, too. I've been pumping my own gas for many years now, and this is the first time I've ever seen this happen. But when I told Husband, he said it had happened to him and other folks before, that it's caused by a defective nozzle on the gas pump. And he said he always stands right there while he pumps gas, something I never noticed before. How did I miss that? Anyway, lesson learned. Once was enough for me, and from now on, you can bet I will stand there until the tank is filled, and THEN I'll wash the windows.

It was really not a good day, in more ways than one, and after the mess with the gasoline I was looking forward to going home and collapsing. College Boy and I had spent the day in unpleasant ways, out and about, and it was good to finally be heading home. But.

You knew there was a "but" coming, didn't you?

Son and I had just rounded the curve when we saw the blackened stubble in our meadow. What a shock! A neighbor had been doing some burning in the pasture by his barn, and thought the fire was out. But it was a windy day -- the fire caught up again and went wild. It burned several acres on their side of the road, and when the neighbors realized that the fire had jumped the road into our hay meadow, heading for our house, they finally called the fire department. It burned maybe an acre or so here. There were fire trucks at our farm! Acck! Luckily, we missed all the excitement. Our property is surrounded on three sides by pine forests, so it's a very good thing that the fire didn't make it to the woods. It didn't have far to go.

I called the fire department and thanked them for their efforts! Today we're counting our blessings, thankful that no one was hurt, and no serious damage was done.

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