The Farm

Sept. 19, 2002 ~ Cleaning stalls

is usually not tops on my list of fun things to do. But it had been a while since I'd done it... weeks, for sure. Maybe an entire month. Husband has been doing it in my absence, for which I hope the horses were grateful. But little by little, I'm resuming activities. Husband had to work last weekend and has been working late every night this week. "I'll get to it as soon as I can," he said. And I know he would have. But I almost can't stand the idea of the horses standing around in dirty stalls. It pains me.

So carefully, tentatively, I began the work yesterday. I lifted about half as much as usual with each turn of the manure fork, and only filled the wheelbarrow half full. Took my time. I have to admit that I could feel it, in my back, and when I was afraid it was too much, I simply stopped. Didn't do one more lick of work, and went inside and took a shower. And lived! Whoo hoo! So today I hauled off a couple of more half-full wheelbarrow loads, and still feel fine.

You wouldn't think that cleaning a stall would be exciting. But it is, when you haven't been able to do it. It's exciting when you start to feel stronger and more capable.

As if that weren't enough, it's RAINING today! Rain, rain... beautiful rain! Our pastures have gotten so dry and crispy that Husband had to put out hay for the cows this week, something we normally don't do until November, if we're lucky. I checked the rain gauge -- almost an inch so far, and it's still coming down. A friend called this morning and said, "What are you doing?"

"Watching it rain!" I said with a smile in my voice.

"I know. I know! Ain't it grand?"

Life is good.

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