The Farm

Sept. 04, 2002 ~ What to say?

If I was writing this for myself alone, if I knew that no one else was reading, at this point I would be tempted to write more about health issues. But let's face it, that's boring. So I'll spare you, at least for now.

We have an old well in the front yard, and one in the hay meadow, too. They're both covered, in one way or another, but they are both caving in. Tonight Husband kicked at the edge of the old well cover in the yard, and his leg slid all the way down into a hole, until he was resting on the ground. Yikes! We could hear the dirt hitting the water below. So a quick call was in order to our county commissioner. He says they'll have a crew out here on Friday to fill both wells in. In the meantime, Husband covered the hole with blocks of wood and put a barrel over it so it's easier to see. But, worrier that I am, I wondered where the "city" (actually, a co-op) water pipes are. The new ones, that don't come from the well. I worry that when the county fills in the well, they will somehow damage our good pipes, because we have no earthly idea where they're located. So Husband decided to play water witch. He had me do it, too. Huh. I thought you had to use willow rods for that, but he used two metal wires. I have my doubts about the whole thing! But those wires sure did seem to cross when we walked over the same places in the yard... time and time again. Who knows. Not me, that's for sure. Anyway, it's high time we got those wells taken care of.

Husband is at a church function tonight, and I am here instead of at choir practice. I miss it! I'm so bored I could spit. Ick. What a thing to say! Guess I'll go fix a little dinner.

You know, this was not such an interesting entry, but that's how it goes sometimes. I did go to the library today, and to get a hamburger. Joe makes the best hamburgers in the world!

I know. I've got to get out more...

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