The Farm

Aug. 17, 2002 ~ One of those days

This was one of those do-nothing days, but I guess that's okay. Didn't get out of bed until after 10:00 (unheard of unless I'm sick), and that was only because Misha needed a shot. I do not want to do a thing. Still.

One foot in front of the other. Do things I do not want to do, but which nevertheless must be done. Wash the dishes, sweep the floor, clean the catbox. Wash the sheets, put them back on the beds. Sometimes even the simplest of tasks seem difficult. It almost seems too much to ask, taking care of things and people and animals... AND myself. The last one, especially, just seems like a lot of work.


Went to the feed store and then to buy hamburgers at the local place. They forgot the cheese on one burger... luckily I noticed before I'd driven away, so I took it back in and the owner plopped a slice of cheese on the sandwich. Another customer said "Don't forget to charge her the extra twenty-five cents for the cheese!" The owner smiled and said, "Nah, it's okay, she's worth it." The customer quipped, "You're going to spoil her, you are. And there's nothing worse than a spoiled woman." Lordy. I just rolled my eyes and agreed with him and walked out the door.

So you can see there has not been much excitement in my day. I read a lot, and then read some more.


Last night there was a segment on 20/20 about Afghanistan and Bin Laden, and I heard something about how US soldiers in Afghanistan are often fired upon, though there have been few fatalities. At that point I did what anyone would do, under the circumstances -- I fell asleep. Woke up when all such talk was finished. Haven't talked to Soldier Boy since he supposedly delivered his news to Husband, so I am still pretty deep into denial.

It's really the very best place to be. Maybe that's why I'm reading so much and sleeping so late.

Gee, ya think?

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