The Farm

Jun. 12, 2002 ~ Chance encounter

I didn't see it coming. And even now, I don't quite believe that it happened.

Road rage. Isn't that a big-city phenomenon? And yet there it was, here in this sweet little town with its red brick streets, where everybody knows everybody else, along with everybody else's parents, grandparents, best friends, dogs... you name it.

Young son and I were on our way to lunch and were waiting at an intersection. An eighteen-wheeler needed to turn left, which meant that some of us had to back up so he would have enough space. In this case there was already a large space between myself and the pickup ahead of me, so the driver backed up and the big truck moved forward. I tried to back up, too, but the car behind me wasn't moving. When it became apparent that more space was needed, I turned and motioned for the car behind me to please back up, which she soon did. But it wasn't soon enough to please the driver in front of me, who had jumped out of his truck and was screaming at me, cursing, waving his arms... practically turning purple. Bear in mind, this all happened in a matter of seconds. We aren't talking about endless waiting. As soon as the car behind me moved, I moved, and the big truck was on its way.

I wonder if Mr. Potty Mouth knew or even cared that there was someone behind me. Either way... what must it be like, being him? Being that easily enraged, and thinking that it's okay to treat people that way? Funny... I have the feeling that he's living on bonus time, that he won't ever be an old man. His temper will probably do him in, somehow, some way.

Now, I know I didn't do anything wrong. And the driver behind me may not have been paying attention, but as soon as I caught her eye, she moved. Yet this very angry young man absolutely lost it over a few seconds' delay, and while common sense would dictate that I shake it off and forget it, the bad feelings linger. It's a little like receiving an obscene phone call, or being groped in a crowd. You just feel... dirty... for a little while afterwards. No serious harm done, but... there is a sense of violation. And sadness.

Yes, of course there is evil in the world. And there are far worse things than being screamed at by a stranger. I just didn't expect it, that's all.

Not in my little town.

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