The Farm

May. 14, 2002 ~ The past few days

are a blur. Was pretty sick there for a while. Thought it was a "stomach virus" at first (we all know what that means), but it was more likely food poisoning. It felt much like being in hard labor, but without a baby to show for it. Sick as a dog. Where does that expression come from, anyway? Do dogs get sicker than other animals? At any rate, I'm more or less over it.

Sickness -- if it leads to time away from duties -- is a luxury when living on a farm. I suppose it's a luxury in many people's lives, really, but in the country, in the summertime, the chores come fast and furious. It's so easy to get behind! So as soon as it appeared I'd live, it was right back to business as usual. It felt like I'd done a full day's work by 9:00 o'clock this morning. Sprayed poison on the weeds in the small pond. Oh, they're pretty things, lily-like with yellow flowers, and I wish we could keep them. But in short order they tend to cover the entire surface of the pond. They use up lots of water, and many summers we have to deal with drought. So the plants had to go. I got most of them today, with the sprayer, but there are obvious spots I missed. Some were even close to the shore. How did THAT happen? Well, it was so early this morning, I suppose, that there was dew on the plants, which made it hard to tell which ones had been sprayed and which ones hadn't. Hmmmm. That's weird. Not only am I keeping a journal online, but I'm asking questions AND answering them in the same entry. Should I worry? Don't answer that!

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