The Farm

Apr. 26, 2002 ~ It's a sad day

in Horseland...

Well, I know how dumb that sounded, but today was truly a terrible day for our youngest horse, Bucky. He foundered, several years ago, and as a result he's not allowed to eat lush green grass. It's possible that eating the rich spring grass may have caused him to founder originally, and he's foundered twice since then. So for the rest of his life, he will probably spend his spring and summer days in the pen, away from the other horses. THEY get to go out to pasture, and it breaks his heart. Horses are herd animals, and they hate to be alone.

You can see the pain in his eyes. "What on earth did I do to deserve this?" he seems to ask. I try to explain that he isn't being punished, that in fact we love him like crazy, that he's the best little horse in the world. He just looks at me as if to say "Then why?"

He can't understand; he never will. He gets terribly depressed, after a while, but in the early days of being alone, he's just upset.

Poor boy.

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