The Farm

Oct. 18, 2001 ~ Babies

How long has it been since I've added an entry? A while, it seems. Just haven't felt much like writing, to tell you the truth. Nothing seriously wrong, other than the usual stuff that's wrong everywhere... oh, and my son is still in paratrooper training, which is not my first choice, if I were to have a choice of things for him to do, but there you go. I don't get to choose. Not for him, and not for us. Given the choice, I would continue to exist in my happy little bubble of oblivion, not knowing as much as I should about what's going on in the world. But no, that's no longer an option. Well, come to think of it, I guess I do get to choose. Maybe I can't help but hear the scary stuff on the news, but I can choose to believe that most people are basically good. And I can choose to turn off the TV sometimes, when it gets to be too much. This brings me to the subject of raccoons. Say what? Not much of a transition, was it? No transition whatsoever. Anyway.

There is a raccoon who has been eating the leftover cat food on the back porch every night, and bless her heart, she has FIVE babies! They are as cute as cute can be, nearly as cute as baby ducks or kittens, and when you see them, you can't help but say, "Awwwwwwww!" Mama coon and baby coons all climb onto the card table on the porch and chow down. The babies have a bit of trouble getting up and down; it's so funny to watch them. How can you not smile, when you see a whole big wad of half-size raccoons, scarfing down cat food?

So I guess that's my plan... turn the TV off and watch the critters. Sit on the bench by the pond sometimes. Go for long walks every morning in the crisp fall air. Watch the deer in the afternoons. Try not to think so much about the other stuff.

I'll let you know if it works.

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