The Farm

Sept. 16, 2001 ~ Who could have imagined?

Well, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. But I was. Oh, yes -- I was. In my Sunday School class this morning, I heard people I once respected saying the strangest things, words I never expected to hear. Words against "THEM," the Arabs. That they should ALL be "looked at" very closely, or perhaps sent elsewhere, or locked up, or... It was the "them" part that got to me. Because of terroristic acts we are going to turn against an entire group of people, even those who have lived here for a generation or more?

It gave me chills. Because one of the dearest, sweetest people I know... is of Arab descent. These people who were spouting these angry words, they know her. Know her well. Love her very much. But I would be willing to bet that they do not know of her background. Will she tell them? I didn't think it was my place to do that; maybe she won't want everyone to know. At this particular point in time, silence might be a wise choice.

I just think that people need to be careful when they are mouthing off, because in a crowded room, chances are good that one of "them," whoever "they" may be, could be sitting right beside you. And maybe you wouldn't even know it.

Us and them.

Who could have imagined?

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