The Farm

Sept. 07, 2001 ~ Answers

Catching up on all the news...

Well, it seems that I do, in fact, have a brain. (Told 'ya so) And it appears to be healthy. Whew. Nearly all of the test results came back just fine, except for this one little afterthought test, the one they almost didn't do... THAT one showed a bit of a problem. Nerve damage in the one leg they tested (the leg with the most symptoms), though it doesn't seem to be caused by a nasty disease; it seems to be caused by a back problem. So they say. So it's one more MRI, and a few other things, and then who knows. Enough about that.

The ducks are still here, and their mama is still gone. Duck-hunting season starts next month (I think), so those critters had better not linger too long.

Have seen no more of the mysterious black dog. And there was no food bowl at my neighbor's house, so I tend to think that they DIDN'T dump a dog off there. In the past, at least they had made arrangements for someone to feed the dogs, so I'm hoping that this is a totally different animal. It is probably still a stray or (more likely) an abandoned animal, though, which is a shame. You'd be surprised at how many "intelligent" people think it's a perfectly fine idea to dump off their unwanted pets in the country. Some of them even believe that they are doing the farmers and ranchers a favor. Yeah, right.

We've been getting lots of rain, and we're excited! But our neighbor is in the hay business, and he is NOT so excited. You really DO have to make hay when the sun shines. You can't make hay when it's raining or when it has rained or even when it might rain. It ruins the hay.

We've had enough rain to make the pastures green, at a time when they're usually brown and crispy, but our ponds are still pretty low. Gentle rains soak into the parched ground; heavy rains run off and fill the ponds. So we've had the gentle variety, which is good. If the ground is saturated, the water will also run off, so sooner or later, if it keeps raining, the ponds will fill. And that's good.

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