The Farm

May 27, 2001 ~ He�s in the Army now...

Maybe. We haven�t heard from him since Wednesday, and he was supposed to leave for boot camp on Friday, so technically speaking, maybe he ISN�T in the Army. Maybe he changed his mind at the last minute.

�Whoo, boy! That was a close one! What was I THINKING?�

That�s what I imagine he would say. If wishes were horses...

He probably got on that bus and has now been officially shaved, sorted, shocked and shoved around. Lots of S-words there. Another S-word came to mind when I heard that he�d decided to enlist. Well. He�s twenty-two now, and has lived on his own for a while. But you never stop being a mother, do you? Especially not when you�re a world-class overprotective mother such as myself. And the boys tell me that I have it down to a fine art. That�s probably why this is so hard, because I know without a doubt, I believe in every fiber of my being, that these people are going to be MEAN to my baby. Trust me, I know this. And my boy doesn�t take well to being abused in any way. I tried to warn him; he said he knew what it would be like. Said he could handle it. And maybe he can. For his sake, I hope so. Because I don�t think they�re going to just let him change his mind. It doesn�t seem to work that way.

It�s been a tough week, no doubt about it. One boy graduating from high school, the other one enlisting in the Army. And here we are approaching Memorial Day, a reminder of the fact that people actually die serving their country. Not something I want to think about just now.

The young graduate is off on a school band trip, for a state solo and ensemble contest. Yes, I realize he is supposed to be OUT of school, but there you go. Not quite yet, I guess. Larry is out of town today, too, which leaves me with the unexpected gift of time on my hands.

�Try to get some rest,� he said, as he kissed me good-bye.

Shoot... he doesn�t have to tell me twice. So I�ll write some, reminisce some, maybe play some old records (Records! Yes, I still have them. Don�t you?). Maybe get a little work done, or maybe take a nap.

I�ve got a better idea... I think I�ll go through the old photo albums.

This seems like the perfect day to look at baby pictures.

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